Bringing down your stress levels is the goal and whenever that can be accomplished is the key. Chronic stress leads to many things, weight gain and chronic inflammation are just a couple.
Sleep: The Overlooked Aspect of a Healthy Lifestyle
Your body tries to heal itself while you are sleeping. The body detoxes toxins, hormones are released to help your body heal, your body makes more while blood cells to combat any bacteria that is lurking in your body.
Importance of Hydration
Staying hydrated is really important and can derail anyone from reaching their health goals. In most of the current diet fads, beverages are often forgotten in the shouting. Yes, macronutrients are important, but the body is made up of around 70% water and our brain a little bit more, so water plays an important role in our health.
De-stressing is Important!
Your health is the most affected by stress. It is estimated that 75-90% of all visits to primary care physicians are for stress-related problems (Rosch, 2005), e.g. hypertension, chronic fatigue, depression, and chronic sickness. Stress isn’t always recognizable in ways we can immediately identify—it can be a sneaky beast.
No Deadlines!
When you are trying to lose weight and keep it off, being consistent and not focusing on a deadline will go further than anything. A lot of people feel once they have reached their perceived deadline or goal they go back to old habits, those same habits that lead to where they were before the weight loss.
Keeping Your Motivation
When you are trying to lose weight and keep it off, being consistent and not focusing on a deadline will go further than anything. A lot of people feel once they have reached their perceived deadline or goal they go back to old habits, those same habits that lead to where they were before the weight loss.
Eating Healthy Is Expensive
There are several ways to move from buying processed foods to whole foods with very little impact on your budget, but it takes planning. Yes, that dirty word: planning! It can be a dirty word to some, but it really is key to your success.
Create Habits, Not Resolutions
It can be difficult to pinpoint exactly what changes need to be made. It might be easier instead to look at the big picture and write down broad changes first, whether it is cutting out processed foods, late-night snacking, thinking about self-care, or getting to the gym more.